Thursday, November 8, 2007

More On Our Friend, The Greatest Living Poets!

Because I have nothing better to do, I've done a tad more investigating on our poet friend (who by the way, apparently believes himself to be not just one, but two poets!). I spent a bit more time and discovered his books are self-published by the Xlibris Corporation. Go here to see how you too can become the greatest living poet or poets, if you'd like.

I also discovered that you can purchase a signed copy of his books FOR HALF PRICE! Woohooo! They are a mere $15.00 a piece. A "savings of about $9," it says. I guess he isn't the greatest living mathematician (thank you, Daniel). You can get this amazing offer until "the authors private collection runs out" -- my understanding of self-publishing is that they are ALL the author's private collection.

Here is what the website says about the greatest living poets (well, or what the greatest living poets says about the greatest living poets, anyway):
"The age of Academic Poetry IS over!
Modern Poetry IS like Rock & Roll...
The age of Academic Poetry is OVER!
Move over, Ziggy Stardust, forMark Rendina"

He also has a page all about string theory. I'm the first to admit I know nothing about string theory except that I think it has to do with physics, here is what the greatest living poets has to say about it, "By one of the oddest paradoxes in human history, String Theory can restore William Blake's credibility to the cab drivers and the hot dog salesmen of every city. " Huh. Okay. Sure, greatest living poets, I believe you.

I highly recommend you visit our friend's website, if for nothing else to enjoy the really bad clip art!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, that dude looks like me circa 1995, when I still had a full, lush head of hair (although mine was a vibrant hue of chestnut).

Actually, Mark Rendina is my Sims character, my more expressive and sensitive alter ego.