Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Isn't he super cute!? The buns rarely sit still long enough for a good photo, but I snapped this one the other night while he took a break from munching on his hay.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

But We're Not Friends

I went out to dinner with a guy last Thursday night. I wasn't too sure if I was interested, but I didn't have that immediate 'no way' reaction, so I thought giving it one more chance was a good idea. He asked me to let him know when I was available to get together again. I told him I would let him know when I got back in town (this was 4th of July weekend). Yesterday I shot him an email letting him know that my week is nuts and suggesting we could get together next week. I quickly got a polite response letting me know that over the weekend he started dating a girl he'd seen a few times. That was fine with me, as I wasn't sure if I was interested in this guy anyway. I sent a response wishing him luck in his new relationship. A few hours later I received this message:

"If you have any interest in a friend with benefits let me know."

My jaw literally dropped when I read this. This is wrong on so many levels. So, he doesn't want to date me, but he wants to sleep with me? Oh, yeah, sure, you don't need to take me out or get to know me, I'm the kind of girl who will happily just sleep with you whenever you want. Yeah, my self-esteem is that low. I'm mean, we aren't even friends, for crying out loud. I realize I've only ever heard of such relationships, but I always thought that being friends was sort of part of it. Maybe I'm just naive. If that is the case, this is the kind of naive I want to be.

And what about this girl he is dating? Where does she figure into all of this? God, what a jerk.