Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Charmed Life Once Again

Remember how I used to have a charmed life? Well, lately, it has seemed a little less charmed than usual. I've not been enjoying my job, I've done silly things financially, I got blood poisoning, and you've all read about the losers I've met (and here, here and here). It would appear my charmed life has once again returned.

The other day I was driving to work, minding my own business, basically minding the rules of the road (ie not speeding too much, generally using my turn signal, etc). As I do this drive ten times a week, I'm afraid it is somewhat of a mindless endeavor. I arrived at work, pulled into the church parking lot next door (where we have overflow parking) and turned off my car. I then heard a little blip. It was that kind of noise that I can't explain, but that everyone knows: the sound of a siren being turned on and off in quick succession. I looked over to my left - nothing. I looked to my right - nothing. At this point, I was assuming it was an emergency vehicle driving by, so I got out of my car.

It was not a car driving by. There was a police car right behind me, and there was an officer walking towards me. While waiting for him, I considered what I could have possibly done wrong that would warrant being pulled over. The only thing I can come up with is that I must have been going faster than I thought I was. I quickly found out that I was not speeding (or if I was, that wasn't why I got pulled over). Instead I was being pulled over for rolling through a stop sign. Apparently, there was a state mandated 'pulling people over for not stopping' thing going on, and I got caught. Was I guilty of this infraction? Heck, yeah. I don't know anyone who stops at the stop signs I was going through. I roll through those suckers twice a day (at minimum). Do I think I'm putting anyone at harm? Nope. They are stop signs with clear views of all the roads, etc. Will I keep doing it? Most likely. But that's not the point. The point is what happened next.

After explaining why he pulled me over, the police man asks if I am dropping things off (my car was an awful mess at this point) or going to work. I let him know that I am headed to work next door (which, by the way, is a domestic violence agency and shelter). He then asks for my license and proof of insurance. I get out my wallet, and low and behold, I don't have my licence. I quickly tell the officer that I was at our gala that weekend and my licence is in another purse. I'm sure I'm getting a hefty ticket at this point. The officer asks if it was the one Detectives so-and-so went to (our local dv detectives). I confirm that this is true, and he asks for anything with my name on it. I give him my health insurance card - this seems to work just fine. He takes down my name, address, social and birth date (which I inform him is incorrect on my license - whoopsie!) At this point, I notice his name badge and realize that this is the same cute police officer who kept smiling at me at lunch the other day and chatted up my mom. I hadn't noticed before because he had on a hat and sunglasses. He then hands me back my insurance card and tells me to have a nice day. I'm not sure if it is because he thought I was cute or if it is because I work where I do, but I didn't get a ticket for any of my multiple offenses.

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