Saturday, September 6, 2008

Changing Jobs

I decided I needed a new job (the whole almost getting fired thing really cinched the deal), but I wasn't sure what I really wanted to do. I spent countless hours pondering this very thing and discussing my life with my friend, Jan. She asked me a compelling question: "If you could do anything with your life, with no concern about money, what would it be?" The obvious answer was teach, but I realized that having a full time teaching job wasn't really what I wanted. I don't enjoy office politics, and I found at my last full time gig, there was a bit of that: who taught what class at what time, when were you in your office, etc, etc, but I never experienced that when I was adjuncting. It hit me that what I most wanted to do was have a couple of part time jobs.

I new the main thing I wanted to do was teach, so I quickly updated my CV and sent it off to a few schools. I felt certain I would hear something despite the fact that I sent things off a little late for fall semester. Sure enough, I got a phone call (while on vacation in Canada, no less) from a community college wanting me to teach three classes, which I quickly accepted. Then a few days ago I got another call from a woman I used to work with. She was in a bind and needed someone to cover a few classes, and she thought of me. My schedule is now booked up through December! Amazing how things come together, isn't it!

I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do for the more stable part time job, but I definitely want to help people. I'm sure something great will come up soon!

1 comment:

Chip said...

Congratulations on picking up those additional classes!