Monday, February 18, 2008

Why I'm not dating

A friend asked me the other day why I'm not dating. The thing is, I don't think of it as not dating, at least not on purpose. Theoretically, I am dating -- in the respect that I am not closed off to the idea -- I'm just not currently practicing. Or more specifically I'm not looking. Does that make sense?

So, back to the question... I am not dating because it doesn't seem to be worth it. Right now, everything in my life is about the cost/benefit ratio. Here's an example: Going to work means I can't go on vacation, can't sleep late, can't read books all day, etc. Those are the costs of working; however, going to work means I can eat, feed my pets, have a house, etc. Those are the benefits and since they far outweigh the costs, I go to work. We all know how this works (which begs the question 'why are you explaining it then?' To which I answer, 'cause I wanna, and its my blog, so you can't stop me' and then I stick out my tongue like the eight year old I am).

Well, when I examined the benefits of dating they are slim -- the main benefit is that I might meet "the one" (if there is such a thing, which is a whole other discussion). Now some might say dating is fun and that you get to meet interesting new people, but I don't see it that way. I don't like it. In my recent dating past I have gotten to meet liars, stalkers, more liars, carrot danglers (as my former-friend Amanda called them) and insecure buffoons -- some were even insecure liars, while others were insecure stalkers who also lied. You can read about some of the interesting men I ran into during my forays into online dating in my past blogs (I would link to them, but there are too many), and there are many others I have yet to blog about (men who work for Sprint, anyone?)

Bottom line, to me the cost of dating far, far outweighs the benefit. And that isn't even taking into consideration the cost/benefit ratio of relationships themselves... I think that if the 'world' or 'universe' or 'higher power' or whatever wants me to date, dates will appear in my life.

You've heard it here first: I'm done looking, but I'm not done dating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You should have been a contestant on Flavor of Love. Flav would have given you the handle "Pantz," and he totally would have chosen you over that bitch New York.

Here's something. That pathologist I was obsessing about is engaged. Says so right on her Facebook profile (why I'm still gawking at her Facebook profile is another question entirely). I'm guessing she's now betrothed to another pathologist -- the one she's been dating for about six months and who's having a worse hair day than me. That last part is funny because I shave my head.

My point (and I think there's a point) is that you're right to be discriminating. You're a perfectly lovely person who has no desire to poke at an eviscerated corpse or share your life with someone who does likewise. There's no reason for you to settle for someone who doesn't give you a tingly sensation in a special place.