Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Neti Pot

Look how much this guy loves his neti pot! After hearing about how great these little things are, I bought and began using one last night. A neti pot is a little device used for nasal irrigation. For more on why you would want to do this, read this article. Basically you make a solution of salt water and run it through your sinuses. It goes in one nostril and out the other! You can actually feel the water in your forehead. It is so odd. When I did my right nostril, some of the salt water got in my eye, which was rather creepy. Right after I finished, I felt this strange clearness in my sinuses, but then I started to feel stuffed up. For about an hour after I finished, salt water kept dripping down my throat and out my nose. I have no clue where it was keeping itself, but that was gross. My understanding is that after a few days, I'll feel great. In the meantime, I feel like some guru is out there laughing at all the people he has gotten to pour water into their noses.


Chip said...

Maybe you need to do the exercises to avoid the hour of gross dripping. The video at that website is pretty funny.

Suzanne said...

Oh, I did the exercises. It still drips!

Chip said...

Okay, it's been almost a week. Do you feel as great as the guy in the picture now? Is there still salt water dripping out of your eye?