Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why blogging makes me feel bad.

I clearly have issues. Not that this should really come as a surprise to anyone who knows me; however, I was surprised at the recent manifestation of my issues. I realized that I don't like blogging if I don't think people read what I write. It doesn't matter if it is a million people or only one -- I just want SOMEONE to read, and I want to know that they are reading. The thought of writing something for public consumption and having no one take notice is horrific to me. It makes me feel silenced. I honestly can't stand the thought of not being heard. And it isn't that I think my ideas are so important -- clearly most of what I write here is pretty trivial -- it is the idea that no one cares enough to read what I have to say.

Clearly, I have some deep seated insecurities.

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