Sunday, January 27, 2008


I don't know how I missed this show. Okay, yes, I do. I don't have cable, so even if I had known of its existence, I couldn't have watched it. It is really good. And troubling. I can't believe how sympathetic the main character, who is also a serial killer, is. I really like him and am bothered by him at the same time. The show also makes me wonder how many sociopaths I've encountered in my life. It was once suggested to me that my ex husband might be a sociopath. It wouldn't surprise me. Not the murdering thing, but the not feeling thing. Anyway, Dexter is good, and it is on DVD and streaming video on Netflix. You should check it out (but not you Kristy, you don't like blood -- not that I like blood, but I am not bothered by it in movies -- crap, maybe there is something wrong with me too!)

1 comment:

Chip said...

Season 2 is good, too. It was just on Showtime this past fall, so it might be a little while before the DVD's come out.

CBS (or maybe ABC-one of the networks) is going to be showing an edited version of the first season of Dexter later this month as part of their writer's strike contingency plan. Those who don't get Showtime OR Netflix will be able to watch.

There's no way they would be able to edit the second season enough to show it on broadcast TV. It's a bit more graphic.