Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Sordid Case of Mr. Blue, Part III

I've had a bit of trouble beginning part III of this saga. It seems that most, nay all, of the players in this tawdry little story have been reading, and I'm not used to those involved in my dating (or in this case, not dating) fiascoes to actually read my blog. Heck, I'm not really used to anyone reading my blog. When I told my mother I had a blog, she couldn't quite figure out why I thought she'd want to read it, so you can understand my surprise to discover that both The Mrs. and Mr. Blue have been reading. I wasn't quite sure how to appropriately deal with this. I like that my blog is like my diary would be, if I had one. I don't censor my thoughts to keep them from causing hurt feelings because generally those whose feelings could be hurt a) deserve being hurt and b) aren't reading my blog.

After learning of my new found readership (even if it is short-lived), I reflected on my previous two posts. Had I accurately portrayed every one's actions to the best of my ability? Well, sort of. There are some things I didn't quite want to give away yet. I liked telling this story in a linear fashion with the reader learning things as I learned them, but that may have portrayed certain people in an inaccurate light. I hope what follows will clear up any of that. And in case you are wondering, I don't mean Mr. Blue. He's a cad.

Just to refresh your memories, dear reader, I had just stormed out of The Mrs.'s house in disgust. BB rolled down the window of his car and asked what was going on. I informed him that it would seem (and, boy, did it seem) that Mr. Blue was staying there to have sex with The Mrs. BB and C balked at this notion and said they couldn't believe it. I told them what had just happened and we all sort of gaped at one another. I walked around to my car while L talked with BB and C about the craziness that was our evening. As I was getting in my car the garage door began to rise and The Mrs. ran out with a look of, oh, I'm not sure, horror, shock, maybe realization on her face. She asked if her purse was in my car. I told her it was not, and she ran back in the house telling us to wait for her, that she needed her car.

It was like she all of a sudden realized what Mr. Blue's intentions were and was none too pleased about them. As I'd only met The Mrs. a couple of times prior to this night, I was glad to see that maybe she wasn't all that complicit in the evening's unsavory goings-on. Granted, this realization didn't allay my discomfort at everything that had happened. Having a guy who has been paying you special interest suddenly start coming on to one of the other members of your small group is still rather shocking. Thank god we hadn't been dating or I hadn't developed a crush on him or anything. It was bad enough without getting my tender little feelings hurt.

After The Mrs. found her purse and Mr. Blue made his way to my car, we drove off in search of a gas station. L insisted there was no way she was letting Mr. Blue sit in the front seat, so The Mrs. and Mr. Blue got in the back. The Mrs. promptly forgot her earlier realization (or so it would seem) and curled up next to Mr. Blue. Mr. Blue again wrapped his arms around her and again made little love sounds (yuck!). I drove in uncomfortable silence to the gas station. While I was pumping gas, L told me she heard "moaning" coming from the back seat (thank god I wasn't in the car at the time - I'm not sure how I would have reacted to Mr. Blue's moaning). She felt certain something very bad must be going on, but when she turned around, she didn't see anything warranting such "adult" utterances. The Mrs. was still just curled up in a drunken stupor.

We continued driving for what seemed like hours before arriving back at the bar's parking lot. I realize I shouldn't have let The Mrs. drive, but at this point, I couldn't think about much more than what had occurred around me. The Mrs. got in her car, Mr. Blue had the gall to hug me, and then I drove away. I'm not sure what happened in that parking lot, but I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Blue tried to convince The Mrs. that he should drive her home. I do know that she didn't take him up on the offer. Perhaps driving drunk wasn't a good idea, but I think it was a much better decision than allowing Mr. Blue to drive her home. Who knows what might have happened.

I am sure, if asked, Mr. Blue would insist that this was all just "a misunderstanding." I imagine that deep down, however, he knows that his actions were reprehensible. Or maybe not. Maybe the only way a guy can go through life acting this way is if he convinces himself that he did nothing wrong. The sad thing is that if he really believes his actions were simply misinterpreted, he'll continue acting this way. He'll continue taking advantage of drunk girls - some of whom might be his friends - and at some point it might turn out much worse than this evening did. He's lucky. None of his co-workers want to make working with him uncomfortable, so it will all simply be swept under the rug. I know that I might have to see him socially from time to time, so I'm not going to do anything other than write this blog and be very, very thankful that I discovered what a creep he was before I spent any more time on him. I think maybe I owe The Mrs. a huge thank you for helping me see what a scoundrel Mr. Blue really is. Perhaps I should use her as a sort of jackass litmus test in the future because lord knows I sure know how to find them!

1 comment:

Kate (Cathy Johnson) said...

Oh, my God. And you know, sweetie, I seem to remember early on in this saga, that the Mrs., whoever she may be, climbed into YOUR lap.

My, my, alcohol does strange things to all of us...

Hooray, you escaped! And again, I am so very grateful NOT to have to deal with anything like this!

Despite my great age, after I became a widow 12 years ago, there WERE several truly bizarre and uncomfortable occurences, so I'm not having to dig back before the last Ice Age to empathize, to my regret!