Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Curious Clothing, Part II

So, I saw this horrible sweater on Ebay, and I really, really want to post it. I wouldn't even have to write anything. There would be no questions... well, no questions about why I put it here. There would be many questions about why it was made. And when you discovered, like I did, that is was made of cashmere, you would have even more questions.

Here is a link, but it will probably be gone soon, and I'm not clever enough with the interweb to snag it permanently. If I were, I wouldn't have had to write any of this. Or even this brief description of the sweater: It is gray and has Little Miss Sunshine from those little books. And to make it even better it says "LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE" on the back in large black letters. Beautiful.

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