Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Curious Clothing, Part I

Can someone please explain to me why sleeveless turtleneck sweaters are made? I cannot think of a time when my neck is warm but my arms are nice and toasty. Nor can I think of a time I need a sweater but no sleeves. And how many women do you know that have great arms but want to hide their neck. Not only is the sleeveless turtleneck sweater impractical, it is (and this is the greater sin) rather ugly. I think it should be a rule that if you are going to wear something impractical, nearly everyone should think it lovely. Or everyone with good taste anyway.


Anonymous said...

i guess i should do something with mine. it came with a jacket and joel's mom bought it for me.

Suzanne said...

Well, if it came with a jacket...

I hope you don't have a Little Miss Sunshine sweater!