Sunday, November 5, 2006

My first post... way back on November 5, 2006...

So, here I am blogging. I'm not sure about the whole blogging thing. It all seems very self-indulgent. Not that me yammering on to my friends about my life isn't self-indulgent, but at least I know they want to hear about it because they've called and asked. I guess no one is forcing you to read this. But the basic premise that I have something intrinsically valuable to say, and that it is of such high worth that it warrants writing down, seems rather presumptuous. And the worst part, of course, is that I am a horrible speller. Like, I have no idea if that is how you spell presumptuous. None. And how embarrassing is that? People assume that if you teach the old writing, surely you must be able to spell, but sadly, I am a very bad speller. Mmmmkay, that is enough self-indulgent prattle for now.

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