Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cleanse? (7/11/07)

I am clearly retarded.

Anyone who knows me knows I survive on sugar, carbs and caffeine. I am the anti-diet poster child. Last month I think I ate mostly Stouffer's frozen mac and cheese, cookie dough and coffee. I'm serious. In grad school, I would go home for lunch and eat, I kid you not, cheezits, a diet dr. pepper and cheddar cheese melted on toast (sometimes as many as three slices!) To top it all off, I don't even take vitamins. Lord knows why I'm so darn healthy...

So, to my surprise and dismay, I decided I should "cleanse" myself. Why? Not sure, but I did it and it sucked. I cannot describe how much it sucked. For five days I ate nothing but vegetables and fruits. Yuck. I actually chose not to eat when hungry rather than eat more god forsaken vegetables. I thought this cleanse would help me incorporate more veggies into my diet. I'm now not so sure. I mostly never want to eat them again.

What did we learn from this, boys and girls? That Suzanne has amazing will power and that vegetables taste really, really bad if that is all you eat. Oh, and that a bad way to incorporate more veggies in your diet is to only eat veggies.

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